Why I’m Running For School Board…

Why am I running for school board?

Simply put, I think we need a mom on our school board.

It’s nothing personal against the incumbent I’m running against. I’ve heard nothing but good things about him personally. I just think we need a mom on the board.

I grew up in Wayne County Public Schools and all three of my kids are now students in Wayne County Public Schools, at Spring Creek Elementary and Wayne School of Engineering. For the last several years, as PTA President of Spring Creek Elementary and now the Past President board member, as I have gotten more and more involved with advocating for our students, teachers, and staff, I have become increasingly more convinced that we need a mom of current WCPS students on our school board.

Of course, any community needs a variety of perspectives on the school board. Former educators, local businesspeople, and other community members all bring different things to the table. But I believe at least one of the people making the big-picture policy decisions for our kids should be a public school mom, and since I couldn’t seem to convince any of my other mom friends to run, here I am.

In the coming weeks on this site, I’ll tell you about my qualifications for leadership, my experience with public schools, and my views on anything and everything having to do with public education. But for now, just know that I am passionate about doing all that I can do to make our public schools better for every student and every teacher at every school in Wayne County.

That’s my heart in this, and my ears are open. I’m ready to hear what you think needs to change and where your heart is.


Meet & Greet Schedule


Kathy Meyer Larson Launches Campaign For School Board