Mentorship is KEY

EVERY ONE OF US CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD'S LIFE - As I've been talking with more and more people about our schools and our children here in Wayne County, people have been talking a lot about the gun violence in our community and their concern for our children, because they're ALL our children. So many people are asking what we can do as a community to help. The police and our government officials are working on many ways to help, our faith community is doing an amazing job of uniting together to help, but as a candidate for education, I wanted to share one way I know that every single one of us could help work towards a brighter future for our children - mentorship.

Research tells us that THE KEY to breaking the cycle of generational poverty is EDUCATION. Research tells us that one of the biggest keys to preventing gun violence is early intervention with at-risk students in our SCHOOLS. The key is showing kids that there is another way. That they can have a hope and a future. But our teachers and staff cannot do this alone. They need our help.

World-renowned expert in child development psychology and co-founder of Head Start Urie Bronfenbrenner said "Every child needs at least one adult who is irrationally crazy about him or her." My kids have multiple adults in their lives who speak life and blessing over them every day. Not all kids have that. THIS is where we can help. Every single one of us.

There is an amazing non-profit in Wayne County called Community Supporting Schools that already has a mentorship program going in many of our schools. With a time commitment of just one hour per week, you can volunteer to be a Reading Buddy or a Lunch Buddy with CSS and be matched up one-on-one with a child you can be "irrationally crazy about."

Imagine if every single adult in Wayne County took the time to mentor just one child in our schools? How might that change the future of our community?

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