A Mom on a Mission

A visionary with proven leadership, the ability to connect people and delegate responsibility to accomplish goals, and a history of breaking through the red tape to get stuff done.

Be a voice for parents…

Out of the seven members of the Wayne County Board of Education, exactly zero are moms of public school children. There is only one parent of school-aged children whose oldest child is in his Super Senior year in WCPS. His younger kids attend a private school outside the WCPS system.

We need stronger public school parent voices on our school board.

Of course, a local school board should have a variety of perspectives. Former educators, business leaders, and other community members all have something to bring to the table. But I think at least one person on the board which makes big-picture policy decisions about our students and our schools should be a mom of public school children.

If elected, I would bring the much-needed voice of public school parents, both moms and dads, to our local school board.

Give teachers and staff the support they need…

Our teachers and staff are the lifeblood of our public schools. They are the ones in the trenches every day with our kids, pouring their hearts and souls into not only educating students but showing them their value and loving them as their own.

For the last several years as PTA President at Spring Creek Elementary School, I have made it one of my biggest missions to make sure the teachers and staff are shown how much they are appreciated and to listen to their needs, struggles, and frustrations and think outside the box to do everything we could to help. 

If elected, I will bring that same passion and care to listening to and supporting teachers and staff at every school in Wayne County.

Be a bridge between board, staff, and community...

My goal is to facilitate open two way communication among the board, staff, parents, and community to work together towards innovative solutions which meet the needs of our diverse student population.

One of my biggest gifts is being able to connect with people from all different walks of life and bridge the divide between people who tend to disagree with one another.

Because of my listening ear, empathetic heart, ability to see other people's perspectives, and authentic concern for all people, I find myself being able to bring very different people together to accomplish so much more than any of us would ever be able to do on our own.

If elected, I think I would be able to help build bridges between all the different stakeholders in the public school system.

Instead of digging a deeper divide, I promise to work to bring people together. Not to meet in the middle and compromise, but to maximize all our diverse gifts and resources to serve our students.

Advocate for every student with the heart of a mom…

I have a history of advocating for the needs of students in our community. From raising funds to buy laptops for students who didn’t have them at home for virtual learning during the pandemic to advocating with the school board and county commissioners to move the school's car rider line to a safer location to prevent further car accidents to working to make sure our school still had a Battle of the Books team and Book Fair even when we didn't have a librarian to relentlessly pursuing solutions for our school's failing HVAC system to finding creative solutions for school safety issues to raising funds for needed upgrades to playground equipment and other improvements to supporting new programs and developing community-building events.

If elected, I will be a "mama-bear" kind of advocate for every child in Wayne County as if they were my own.

Watch Now

Why I don’t want to “get into politics”

a little bit about my background and experience

the pros of being unaffiliated

united, not divided

representation matters

about what we’ve accomplished at SCES

intro from the Q&A for Educators

Individual Endorsements

We started a series of individual endorsements from local parents, educators, and community members who know me personally and have seen my passion for students and my ability to get things done. Because I truly believe that personal recommendations on anything, from restaurants to movies to political candidates, make all the difference in the world

Jonathan Saeger
Music Educator

Chretien Dumond
Parent & Community Leader

News Articles

Darlene Hodges
Parent & Educator

Daniel Weeks
Parent & Community Leader

Goldsboro News Argus

Andrietta Herron
Parent & Educator

Full Interview with Daniel Weeks

Full Interview with Richard Taylor

Good Party


Mount Olive Tribune